I wanted to put together a list of some of my top used baby products that I used and loved with Brody and plan on using with baby #2. I chose not to include the typical items that most moms think of needing, and decided to focus on either the items gifted to me that I ended up loving or that I ended up purchasing for myself.
Nespresso Vertuo Review – Do you need it?
I have been lusting over the Nespresso Veurto for months. I finally caved and decided to give it a try so that I could share my review with all of you.
And baby #2 is a . . .
The moment we have all been waiting for. On Sunday we announced the gender of baby #2. Spoiler alert, Clayton and I did know the gender before hand and chose…
Charcuterie Board Basics
I love making a charcuterie board for get togethers. I find them a fun way to fancy up the typical meat and cheese tray and also provide an assortment. I also like to make a smaller version for myself for a light lunch!
Big News Coming in May
I have been 100% MIA lately, and while I cannot completely blame it on our big news, it does have a little bit to do with it. Either way we…
Freezer Waffles & Pancakes
Brody has been loving pancakes and waffles for breakfast and honestly I can’t blame him! However, whipping up a batch of pancakes every morning just isn’t my thing. For a…