I wanted to put together a list of some of my top used baby products that I used and loved with Brody and plan on using with baby #2. I chose not to include the typical items that most moms think of needing, and decided to focus on either the items gifted to me that I ended up loving or that I ended up purchasing for myself.
Skip Hop Activity Center – I loved that this activity center grows with baby. Once baby no longer plays in the seat, it can be transitioned to a table that Brody is constantly using.
Baby K’Tan – I tried a few other wrap style carriers and could never get them to feel nice and secure. I constantly felt like baby was going to fall out. So I decided to purchase the K’tan because there is no need to wrap baby. The cotton carrier is very comfortable and easy to put on. I loved keeping this carrier in the diaper bag for when we were out and about and I wanted to carry baby vs having him in the carseat.
Ergo Carrier – This carrier was perfect for longer walks outside. It has much more support than the k’tan and I loved it when I knew I was going to be carrying for longer time or I was going to be more active.
Mamaroo – I really wasn’t sure if this swing was going to live up to they hype, and I definitely think it depends on babies preference, but Brody loved this swing and I loved out compact it is. We do not have a ton of extra space in the living area, so the swing not taking up a ton of extra room was a plus. I really enjoyed the different movement patterns and built in noise machine.
Snuggle Me – This was an impulse purchase when Brody was about a month old. He would not sleep unless I was holding him and I was desperate to get a break during the day. This lounger turned into a life saver. Brody loved napping in it and gave me the much needed break I needed. The reason I went with this over the doc-a-tot (another very popular option) was 1. baby gets the snuggling feeling and 2. the price, the snuggle me bare is $75 cheaper.
Woombie Swaddle – I’m just going to say it, I sucked at swaddling. I could never wrap him tight enough that his little arms wouldn’t escape at night and the velcro swaddles were just so loud. So I found this woombie swaddle and loved the zipper option. It holds baby tight, without the need to wrap them tight and made midnight diaper changes a breeze!
Love to Dream Swaddle – Once Brody started to outgrow the woombie swaddle I was looking for one that had the option to help transition, so I opted for the Love to Dream Swaddle. I liked that it still had the zipper and held him tight, but he still had a little bit of mobility of his hands, and I could zip off the sleeve if needed.
Nookums Paci-Plushie – Inevitable pacifiers will get lost. Especially in the middle of the night. So I loved these Nookums plushies because you could attach any pacifier to them and when baby fell asleep the pacifier would usually stay on his chest so that if he woke up he could pop it back in his mouth easily. If the pacifier didn’t stay on his chest, the plushie attached to the Paci made it easy for me to find in the middle of the night.
Sound Machine – babies are use to a loud surrounding, so when they come out and it is silent they can have a hard time sleeping. Plus the sound machine really helps to drown out any loud background noise during naps. I know tons of moms who love the Hatch, however I just used this cheaper sound machine that worked great for us. I also loved this portable sound machine for when we were out for nap time.
NoseFrida – as gross as it seems to literally suck the snot our of your child’s nose, this thing is a miracle worker. It was so much easier to use than the bulbs, and I felt like it was more sanitary. It was easy to clean the snot out of the tube, vs the bulb that I could not see in.
Did I miss anything on your must have baby list?
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